Fortunes Well
Working with quirky architecture made this country, cottage style kitchen project so enjoyable!
Often, new kitchen designs show where the structure / space has been adjusted to suit the cabinetry layout with ease, with the design itself complete with each unit door the same size to aim for that polished, aesthetically pleasing look, "we'll build the room around the kitchen".
Often, new kitchen designs show where the structure / space has been adjusted to suit the cabinetry layout with ease, with the design itself complete with each unit door the same size to aim for that polished, aesthetically pleasing look, "we'll build the room around the kitchen".
However, in projects such as Fortunes Well, it's refreshing to work with the unconventional, creating an 'awkward nook' into a unique usable space without feeling the need to 'box in this', or 'rebuild that'. Here shows the opposite of those projects, designing the kitchen to allow an undisturbed structure. Avoiding overshadowing the architectural features, the new cabinetry aims to compliment and encourage the personality of this home to shine through.