Samantha Avril

Working within creative industries for many years, my interior design journey began with visual merchandising within fashion retail. It was here I discovered a passion for creating displays for customers to admire and dressing a scene to flatter a particular garment within windows and throughout the store.
Having moved location quite frequently, I found comfort in applying the same methods in each new house as I relocated, to make it feel like home; adjusting furniture, upcycling, finding new ways to display my personal belongings and restyling every area until my interests grew for interiors.
Fast forward to now, and I have the enjoyment of transforming homes and venues for others, pursuing my career as a qualified interior designer, I work on residential (including kitchen & bathroom design) and some commercial and hospitality projects. I’m currently based in Essex, with the ability to take on projects in any location – as my portfolio grows, I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you.